The Adventure Princesses of the Kipoo Nation
“Don’t let your daughter grow up without yo
The Dayton Adventure Princesses program is significantly different from scouting, sports teams, and many other activities, because it is specifically designed and intended to be a Father AND Daughter organization. Our members join the program because father and daughters want to spend more quality time together. This program provides a wealth of opportunities and settings that you are unlikely to find otherwise, to share and grow in one-on-one terms.
From a Father’s perspective, this program gives you the chance to bond with your daughter on many levels. The idea is to “Form bonds that last a lifetime”, so that when your daughter enters the middle school and high school years, you have built strong relationships, and many positive memories. In the process, your daughter will gain a wide circle of friends, develop a strong sense of accomplishment and self-worth, and get a sense of identity and belonging that is becoming increasingly rare in today’s world.
What We Do:
See our Facebook Page for more details and pictures of our yearly events.
’23-24 Nation Events:
June 2nd / July 21st – Dayton Dragon’s Overnight, Kipoo Nation
August 20th 4-6p – Open House Cookout, Kipoo Nation
Sept 15-17th – Fall 2023 Campout @ Camp Kern, Wallabies
October TBD – Rodeo, Trailblazers
November TBD – YMCA Late Night / Raingutter Regatta, Miami
December TBD – Laser Tag, Erie
February TBD – Bowling or Women’s BBall Game, Phoenix
March 9 @ 6-10pm – Princess Ball (Daddy/Daugther Dance), Wallabies
April TBD – Day of Service @ Camp Kern, Kipoo Nation
Spring 2024 Campout @ Camp Kern April/May Trailblazers
Monthly – Kipoo Nation Events:
Each month throughout the program year (August – June), all the tribes come together for an activity. We look for special activities that will build stronger relationships between fathers and daughters. Nation Events are by no means mandatory, but the more you can attend, the stronger bonds you will build in the program. Examples of Nation events are:
- Father-Daughter Dance
- Putt-Putt Golf
- Laser Tag
- UD Women’s Basketball
- Bowling and much more!
- Service work.
Monthly – Tribe Meetings:
- Each tribe meet monthly at a home of father / daughter.
- The Tribe Meeting consists of various traditions where as the daughters are encouraged to present to the tribe about themselves.
- The Tribe Chief presents information related to upcoming events and coordinates planning.
- The daughters usually complete a craft or project together while enjoying the friendship of their peers.
- The meeting is concluded with a brief ceremony.
Spring and Fall Campout at Camp Kern
- Twice each year, we spend the weekend at Camp Kern in Oregonia, OH. Each Tribe, father and daughter, spends two nights on bunk beds in an air conditioned / heated cabin. Our meals are provided, or cooked by the tribe. While these campouts are an additional cost to the program, they are unarguably an invaluable experience. Some activities that we do at each campout are:
- Canoeing and Fishing
- Hiking and Horseback Riding
- Rock Climbing and Zip Line
- Camp Fire Cookouts
- Tug-O-War, Egg Toss and Flour-ball Fight
- Council Fire Ceremony
- Induction of New Member Ceremony
- Graduation of 6th Grade Princesses
- Every event is optional but strongly encouraged. Each event promises to be among the most memorable times you will have with your daughter. The most important thing is that fathers bond with their daughters and build friendships that last a lifetime.
Cost of the Dayton Adventure Princess Program Year:
The typical costs of the Adventure Princess Program Year (August—May):
- Yearly Program Fee—$56 – to Register for the Program Online – YMCA Online (http://www NULL.ymcaonline NULL.html) or register in person at the South YMCA in Kettering.
- Optional Additional Costs:
- Fall Campout—approximately $150
- Spring Campout—approximately $150
- Monthly Kipoo Nation Events— cost varies depending on the event.
- Fundraising – currently no fundraising requirements
- Scholarships available to those that would be otherwise unable to participate
Note – Each father must be a registered member of the program in order to attend Monthly Nation Events.
Princess Age Requirements
The YMCA Adventure Princesses begins in Kindergarten and continues through the end of the 6th grade year. The “Kipoo Nation” (our chapter through the South YMCA) is organized by tribes. Tribes are not organized by age. We encourage older princesses to take leadership for the younger princesses. After a princess finishes her 6th grade year, she will have the opportunity to move on to our Wanderers (http://ketteringnation program. The Wanderers is designed with the older kids in mind, while continuing to build the father/daughter bond.
How To Join?
Joining is easy! Contact the Nation Chief using We will help you to join a tribe and register for the program.
We will talk with you directly about joining a particular Tribe and put you in touch with the Tribe Chief for specific monthly meeting details. Most Tribe and Nation communication is conducted through email, and you will be added to your Tribe’s email list. Once you are able to attend a few monthly meetings, you’ll get the feel for how the program works, but you can always contact us through this website with any questions or concerns.
At the Fall Campout of each program year, you and your daughter will be invited to take part in our Induction Ceremony. This process is rich with symbolism and an important part of joining the program.
At the fall Campout you can purchase a vest for yourself and your daughter. The vests are where you can collect your patches from program events.
Checkout our Information Flyer: Dayton Adventure Princesses Information Flyer
What is the Kipoo Nation?
The Kipoo Nation is the name we call our chapter of the Adventure Princess Program. The whole Kipoo Nation of the South Ymca is comprised of:
- The Adventure Guides (http://ketteringnation This is a father / son program, in which we share common goals and even some activities.
- The Guide Plus Program (http://ketteringnation is offered for older boys and their fathers.
- The Wanderers Program (http://ketteringnation is offered for girls and their fathers from the 7th grade through high school.
The Adventure Princess Program and all other Programs of the Kipoo Nation are are home-based out of the South YMCA (http://www NULL.ymcaonline NULL.html) in Kettering.
Adventure Princess Tribes
The Dayton Adventure Princesses is made up of seven smaller groups called Tribes. Tribe meetings are held once a month and hosted at the home of one of the tribe members. Each year, the tribe elects one father to serve as Tribe Chief, and also another representative (Longhouse Rep). Together, they attend the monthly Council Meetings to help plan upcoming nation events. The role of Tribe Chief and Longhouse Rep, like everything else in the Adventure Princess Program is a shared father/daughter experience.
Vest & Patches
Dads and daughters can purchase vests to collect patches from various “Kipoo Nation Events” held throughout the year. Vests and patches serve as keep-sake token from events throughout the year.
What is the PURPOSE of the Dayton Adventure Princess Program?
- To foster the understanding and companionship between father and daughter.
What is the SLOGAN of the Dayton Adventure Princess Program?
- Friends Forever
What are the SIX AIMS the Dayton Adventure Princess Program?
- To be clean in body and pure in heart
- To be friends forever with my father/daughter
- To love the sacred circle of my family
- To listen while others speak
- To love my neighbor as myself
- To respect the traditions and beliefs of all people
- To seek and preserve the beauty of the Creator’s work in forest, field and stream
The Adventure Princess Program—Kipoo Nation Objectives
- Set a foundation for positive, lifelong relationship between father and daughter.
- Build a sense of self-esteem and personal worth.
- Provide a framework to meet a mutual need of spending enjoyable, constructive, and quality time together.
- Enhance the quality of family time.
- Emphasize the vital role that parents play in the growth and development of their children.
- Offer an important and unique opportunity to develop and enjoy volunteer leadership skills.
For more information Contact Us or download our Information Flyer!
(http://www NULL.ymcaonline