How can we join?

I am going to register for the program. What happens next?

How much time is involved?

What is the age range for Adventure Princesses?

How are Dads and Daughters assigned to Tribes?

What nights do we meet?

How much does the Adventure Princess Program cost?

Is financial assistance available?

How can I become more involved in the program?

I have a two daughters, can I bring both to events?
Can someone other than a girl’s father bring a daughter, niece, granddaughter (i.e. grandfather, uncle)?

Are mothers and / or male siblings welcome to participate in Adventure Princess Events?


How can we join?

Joining is easy! Contact the Nation Chief, Greg Kline using the contact form or call at 937-361-1974.  We will help you to join a tribe and register for the program. Also, just show up to one of our Nation Events listed in our Upcoming Events Page.  First time Dads and Daughters are free except for the annual Fall and Spring Campouts.

I am going to register for the program. What happens next?

We will talk with you directly about joining a tribe and put you in touch with the Tribe Chief for specific monthly meeting details. Most Tribe and Nation communication is conducted through email, and you will be added to your Tribe’s email list. Once you are able to attend a few monthly meetings, you’ll get the feel for how the program works, but you can always contact us through this website with any questions or concerns.

You and your daughter will be encouraged to choose an Indian Name that matches some aspect of your personality. It can be anything you like. The Indian names are used in many parts of the program, and a fun way to present to the Nation what you are all about.

At the Fall Campout of each program year, you and your daughter will be invited to take part in our Induction Ceremony. This process is rich with symbolism and an important part of joining the program.

At the fall Campout you can purchase a vest for yourself and your daughter. The vests are where you can collect your patches from program events.

Checkout our Information Flyer: Dayton Adventure Princesses Information Flyer

How much time is involved?

If you are concerned about time …. don’t be! Typical time commitments are 2-4 hours a month which involve a monthly meeting, in Tribes, and a fun event, such as Putt Putt or Laser Tag. Dads and Daughters are grouped by the Tribe they join, based on when the Dad and Daughter can attend the monthly meetings. The Tribes do not meet during the summer months so there is no need to worry about conflicts with vacation and other summer activities. If you can’t make an event or meeting, no need to worry! We’ll miss you but we understand everyone is busy. This is a positive program meant to enrich you and your child’s time together and we don’t require families to miss other important events in order to participate.

What is the age range for Adventure Princesses?

Adventure Princesses are for girls in Kindergarten through 6th Grade. 6th Grade girls graduate out of the Adventure Princesses program during the annual Spring Campout at Camp Kern.  A seventh grade dad and daughter can then join the Adventure Wanderers (http://ketteringnation program.

How are Dads and Daughters assigned to Tribes?

Dads and Daughters are usually assigned to tribes based on tribe size. Other considerations are taken into account such as if the daughter already has friends that are part of that Tribe. There are never any requirements to join a specific group. Unlike other organizations, we are not divided by geography or ages within the Princesses organization.

What nights do we meet?

With sports, dance, scouts, etc., lives are busy.  For this reason, different Tribes meet on different nights of the week.  Major events usually are scheduled for weekends, but sometimes weeknights.  See Upcoming Events for schedule.


Evening of the Month


3rd Tuesday evening of the month


1st Wednesday evening of the month


2nd Thursday evening of the month


2nd Tuesday evening of the month


1st Thursday evening of the month


2nd Thursday evening of the month


2nd Tuesday evening of the month


How much does the Adventure Princess Program cost?

  • Yearly Program Fee—$56 – to Register for the Program Online – YMCA Online (http://www NULL.ymcaonline NULL.html) or register in person at the South YMCA in Kettering ($40 for YMCA Members)
    • The Program fee covers:
      • Administrative costs
      • Program Insurance
      • Background checks of program participants
  • Fundraising Obligation Options:
    • Participation in Candle Sales – selling 3 or more candles
    • Buy-out option—$50
  • Optional Additional Costs of Nation Events
    • Fall Campout—approximately $115
    • Spring Campout—approximately $115
    • Kipoo Nation Events—  cost varies depending on the event

Note – Each father must be a registered member of the program in order to attend Monthly Nation Events.  Each father is required to fulfill a fundraising obligation option prior to attending the Spring Campout.

The YMCA and the Dayton Adventure Princesses offer financial assistance and can waive fees for those families experiencing difficult times. Contact the Nation Chief or the YMCA Strong Kids program for additional information.

Is Financial Assistance Available?

The YMCA Strong Kids program can provide financial assistance for the program.  Please visit the YMCA (http://www NULL.ymcaonline for more information.

How can I become more involved in the program?

The Dayton Adventure Princess Program is completely run by many committed dads that value the importance of the program.  Several Dads put forth a lot of effort on behind the scenes planning and coordination.  We always need more help and specialized expertise.  If you have a specific talent / trade or just want to become more involved, we would greatly appreciate your help.

Each Tribe in the Kipoo Nation is responsible for planning a Nation Event sometime during the program year. Planning a Nation Event is a lot of fun, but also can be a lot of work. Helping to plan your tribe’s event is a great way to become more involved. We are also always looking for new people to take on leadership roles on the Kipoo Council. Talk with your Tribe Chief or the Nation Chief if your are interested in giving back to the program.

I have a two daughters, can I bring both to events? Can someone other than a father bring a daughter (i.e. grandfather, uncle)?

Two, three, any number of daughters are welcome to join the Adventure Princess Program and attend Nation Events. However, each participating dad/daughter must be a registered member in the program. For additional daughters, there is a small “Additional Daughter Fee” when registering for the program year and with Nation Events.

Any guardian, uncle, family friend is welcome to register any daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc. As long as the adult / girl combination are registered in the program, they are always welcome. We have several instances of “father figures” that have joined the program to make a positive difference in the life of a young girl.  To them we say an emphatic “How! How!”

Are mothers and / or male siblings welcome to participate in Adventure Princess Events?

While we do not at all take for granted the importance of a mother and / or brothers in the life of a family, we do not allow mothers or brothers to participate in most Adventure Princess Events. The “magic” of the Adventure Princess Program is created when dads and daughters are away from home and other family members. Adding male siblings or another parent changes the desired dynamic of the father / daughter relationship. We have several events throughout the year that are open to the entire family, but most events are exclusively for dads and daughters.

Brothers, don’t despair.  You too can enjoy all the fun activities that your sister is doing.  We have a “Brother” Program in the Kettering Nation called the Adventure Guides (http://ketteringnation  This is the same type of program for fathers and sons.

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