This page includes a few sample photos of our annual events. 531504_3536151327741_986181165_n (http://daytonadventureprincess NULL.jpg)

Fall and Spring Camp-outs at Camp Kern

At every camp-out the “Kipoo Nation” gathers around a roaring Council Fire.  Led by the Nation Chief, and the Kipoo Council Members. At the Council Fire we induct new members, and say a fond farewell to our 6th grade graduates.  The Council Fire is also a place of great anticipation for when the Chief announces the Cabin Decorating Contest Winners and plans for the upcoming program year.   Many other time-honored traditions are enjoyed at the Council Fire, the hallmark of each campout.



Camp Kern Camp-Outs are where girls from Kindergarten to 6th Grade can experience many new things with the gentle guidance of a loving father.  The Princesses and their fathers enjoy fishing, canoeing, high-ropes adventure climbing, BB Gun Shooting, Horseback Riding, and many more activities at our bi-annual campouts.

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Another Adventure Princess Campout tradition is the Torch-Lighting Ceremony.  Under a father’s watchful eye, a daughter can build a torch and carry it in the Nation Procession to the Council Fire.

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At the Nation Games, our daughters complete with their fathers in fun activities like Tug-of-War and an Egg Toss.

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In another time-honored tradition, at the end of the Nation Games, The Nation Chief reveals himself in costume, while the Princesses throw flour balls (tissues wrapped in flour) as tries to get away.

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The food at Camp Kern is nothing but the best.  Some meals are provided by Camp Kern, and others are cooked over a roaring campfire by each tribe.  This gives the dads of each tribe the opportunity to showcase their grilling talents.  All of the important food groups are represented at each camp meal (Bacon, Steak, Bread, Dessert, Fried Foods – and Bacon too.)  Occasionally a vegetable or two may find their way onto the plate of an unsuspecting daughter.

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Service Work

One of the Aims of the Adventure Princess Program is “To love my neighbor as myself.”  Therefore, an important component of the Adventure Princess Program is to perform community service work.  Throughout the program year, we look for opportunities to give back to the community to help our daughters understand the needs of others outside of themselves.

Last year we placed flags at the graves of Dayton Veterans at a Memorial Day Ceremony.

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In another service outing, our daughters brought a little holiday cheer to our senior community with our best rendition of Jingle Bells and a few other favorites.










In yet another service project, several dads and daughters constructed a sign kiosk at Camp Kern – “purlins” and all.

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Princess Ball – Hosted yearly by the Wallabie Tribe

The Annual Father / Daughter Dance is called the Princess Ball.  Here, the Princesses and Fathers don their nicest clothes and enjoy a formal dinner and dance with all the friends in the Nation.

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Bowling Event – hosted yearly by the Erie Tribe

Another annual Nation Event is our Bowling outing.

Here, the Dads and Daughters team up, each bowling a ball in a frame.  In the second game, Dads and Daughters try crazy bowling, having to do a different crazy move in each frame.

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UD Lady Flyers Basketball Game – hosted yearly by the Phoenix Tribe

A highlight of our program year is our visit to UD Arena to watch the Lady Flyers.  We’ve enjoyed special seating in the Flight Deck, high above the action.  Our girls have been good luck for the Lady Flyers, as they have won the game each year we have attended.  On a few occasions, after the game, a few of the players have come to talk to our daughters about their school and basketball lives.

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Pinewood Derby – hosted yearly by the Traiblazer Tribe

Each year Fathers and Daughters put their best engineering skills to work in designing, building, and racing Pinewood Derby Cars.

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Americana Parade

This summer we marched in the Centerville Americana Festival Parade.

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